I’m Still Standing

As of June 19, 2023, I officially started the process of letting go of my original fortress here at SOULworks and yet as of late, I find myself still here bound to stay for a time. Confusing for sure even to my own mind, I’ve certainly been asked many times over by many different people (myself included) why I felt so divinely guided to renew my lease yet promptly shifted gears shortly thereafter placing my sacred space up for sale suddenly determined to walk away. The reasons are a bit blurry some days. Clear as mud on others. Yet still a path I quite willingly forge ahead with if and when the stars align.

Perhaps many of you don’t realize, but I left my original career way back in January 2012 to pursue SOULworks. Ever since that time, I have relied on the support of my family to help sustain this very large passion project of mine. Truthfully, I have invested more time and money into SOULworks then most would endure or even expect for that matter. It has certainly not been an easy process to keep forging ahead on faith alone, and I’ve always been very well aware and beyond thankful for the support my family has provided along the way. With their unprecedented fortitude always in mind, I promised myself many moons ago that I would never cost my family more than I already had, take advantage of their kind hearts, or borrow any more additional funds needed to help sustain my personal ambitions. Miraculously that has been the case over and over again, year after year right up until and ending with the publication of my third book. From that point forward however, all previously established momentum here at SOULworks came to an obvious and abrupt halt as I watched the aftermath of my life’s work take its final toll on my spirit, my family, and our bottom line.

When asking for guidance regarding the situation at hand, I distinctly heard the divinely inspired words written within one of my original books echoed back a second time around…

“At what point is enough, enough? At what point, do you let your logical mind lead instead of your heart?” I pondered. The answers came in fast and furious. “Treat others the way you would want to be treated. Only move forward with as much faith and conviction as your soul energy can handle at any one given time. Do not put others’ lives in total flux just to make your own soul happy. There must be a balance point when you take into account how your actions are also affecting the lives of others.” Point taken.

I have absolutely loved being here at SOULworks and will cherish this particular season of time forever. However, I will always love, respect, and cherish my family (and perhaps finally even myself) well beyond comparison. It is for that very reason I chose to surrender my sanctuary to the powers that be, placing my metaphysical store up for sale, while still holding faith in the larger divine plan still in motion. Not because I no longer believe in the words I have written. Quite the opposite actually, as now more then ever I truly and whole heartedly do. And although I am quite willing to submit to the changes at hand while leaving my sacred space within the holy archives of my cherished past, I am also completely at peace with my decision to do so, if or when that alignment actually arrives.

Yet here I am. Still open for business. Still offering sessions. Still helping those in need with a few peptalks along the way (myself included). And technically still relying on my family to stand beside me during this very pivotal crossroads in time. Perhaps I’m not exactly handling this particular chapter of my life path with the greatest of poise or grace one would perhaps wish for themselves either, yet undisputedly I’m still standing none the less. Still standing in my values, still standing beside my family, still standing behind my life story, and still standing within my sanctuary (at least for a time) even within the throes of such upheaval. For myself surrendering my space signals full closure from the past and the arrival of new beginnings no matter what that brings. Because despite the desolations experienced as of late, my initial time here has already produced more abundance of immeasurable treasures well beyond what financial gain could ever provide by speaking my truth, embracing the entirety of my own SOULworks, while more importantly authentically walking my walk. Personally, I’ve also sacrificed more than enough for the deliverance of biblical endings and am more than willing to relinquish that responsibility (perceived or otherwise) while closing the door to that particular chapter of my life. Admittedly once torn within this bittersweet transition, my heart has both grieved yet yearned for the opportunity this milestone has the capacity to transcend. However, more importantly, and from my own perspective and higher truth, there are far more important things in my life well beyond anything that could ever be offered or obtained within these tenement walls, sacred to my personal journey or otherwise.

Does that mean I am at an actual crossroads here at SOULworks or does this bizarre shift represent a more symbolic convergence within an age-old timeline? Honestly, I’d have to say both. Because whether the local community can ever find it within themselves to stand beside my life’s work or not, I’m officially crossing the road. And whether that is done here or elsewhere, I will always be that Messenger of Change I know myself to be. More importantly, I hold so much faith in the divine process, the prophetic timeline already in motion, and the multitude of talented lightworkers stationed around the globe quite capable of assisting during the final hours of our collective restoration. As for me, well I’m fully willing, prepared, and genuinely relieved to officially move forward no matter what that means to the future of my metaphysical oasis, because despite the outcome and for whatever it’s worth, I’m still standing. After all these years, I am actually still standing. Perhaps not always as a business owner per se offering my traditional products or services down the road, but more importantly, as a fellow human being, offering integrity and self-respect to being accountable for someone or something beyond my own life path. And since I’ve already made my decision and officially drawn that line in the sand, all I can do in the interim is surrender to the process, continue to show up for myself and all others, while offering whatever remains of my products and services for the duration of time I have left here at SOULworks Sacred Healing Centre. And because I am a person of my word, that will remain the case whether that is 3 days/weeks/months from now via a sale or another 3 years from now still tied to my existing lease agreement.

But just to be clear, whether the doors here at SOULworks remain open indefinitely or close abruptly on much shorter notice, I am forever grateful for everything my family has provided during the pursuit of my spirited ambitions. You are most assuredly the reason I have both endured and triumphed over my age-old biblical entanglement up until and including today. I also cherish all the many customers, clients, and friends who found their way to my original inner sanctuary and supported the maiden voyage of my personal endeavors. It has been an absolute privilege to meet, work with, and evolve together, even if just for a brief moment in time. I am truly grateful for each and every one of you (even those who have stopped coming by), and I choose to forever remember and be humbled by the many blessings, magical moments, and personal victories realized within these sacred walls, instead of the numerous energetic undertones also contributing to my final resolve to closing the door and walking away if and when the alignment arrives.

For whatever it’s worth and with all my love,

Lauren Heistad

Photo credit to Barbara Quinney dated way back in 2018.

About Lauren Heistad

My name is Lauren Heistad. I am an adept teacher of the spiritual arts, self-proclaimed Messenger of Change, and author of the books “Activating your SOULworks: a healing journey”, "Evolving your SOULworks: a miraculous journey", "Mastering your SOULworks: a oneness journey".

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